Saturday, March 13, 2010

17/365: Panacea cafe

A tiny but warm place. The area of the cafe is just about 8m2 and you even may find hard to move if you need to move along the room :D but there are second floor and some table placed on sidewalk of Quang Trung st. so do not worry about finding a corner for you in the cafe.

The special thing about this cafe is: there are amateur musicians playing live music nearly every night and you, customers, can join them if you are confident of your voice and want to show it off or just because you want to sing, they always welcome you. Most of the frequent artists are young and some of them are students from music schools in Ha Noi. I know one there, he is the DJ of Jam club (@ Luong Ngoc Quyen st.) (He is the one who is wearing colorful cap in the photos below). All of them are friendly and very sweet to women as they all try their best to perform songs which are requested by female customers ;)

Add: 25 Quang Trung st.


  1. Có mấy cái ảnh trông đèn mờ nhờ :D :D :D Love the live performance idea!

  2. Do you know why it's named PANACEA???
